artistic graphic design - A young woman faces darkness, while a bright white figure (presumably an angel or Jesus) reaches out to her from behind - companion image to "The Journey I Shall Take" a freestyle friday poem by Lenell Allen - St. Louis

“The Journey I Shall Take”

A poem by Lenell Allen

In the path of Faith

I walk blindly but I am trusting,

My eyes closed yet my heart open,

I am a bird freed from it’s cage,


A free spirit,

This light that belongs to me,

I walk along these stepping stones I may trip but I am never led astray,

I walk high,

My legs as tall as a skyscraper,

I will reach the heavens,

Walk with me;

A spirit above me walks with me,

In hopes that I overcome my traumas and prevail,

I shall,

On this path I walk of Faith,

I walk on water,

My eyes wide open, I am free.

I stumble through many doors that were closed for me,

Only to secure a future that is fit for me,

A Queen in the black community,

I will rise like water amongst Hell’s Fire,

A fire that is yet to be put out,

I won’t back down,

With each bruise I am determined,

To shine above those who haven’t a light of hope in their soul,

I walk a path of Faith openly,

My soul singing

I belong on this journey and will arise;

I walk the path of Faith,

My eyes open.

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