slam poetry - companion image to "The Great Equalizer" a poem by Robin Michael Payne - St. Louis

“The Great Equalizer”

A poem by Robin Michele Payne

Second Place Winner at “Battleground” Poetry Slam event hosted by Eleven O Eight.

This one word, cancer, it levels the field

The harbinger of death, his pet, per se

The plans that you’ve made, have just been repealed.

Not fussy; young, old, strong, weak, all its prey.

Does not distinguish by race, sex or creed.

The love that’s between you, won’t be enough;

Screaming, crying on your knees, you will plead.

This, our mortal coil, too soon it will slough;

Your plans, preparations, expectations

All for naught. The light of your life, soon snuffed;

Your life, have you lived it? Your aspirations,

The dreams in your chest. Let pride not be puffed.

All your wants and desires, don’t ever scoff.

Death, the great equalizer, won’t be put off.

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